Dedicated to Quality Living...that is the mantra that Dittmar Company has operated by for 60 years. Exquisite workmanship and attention to detail have established the firm as the premier builder in Northern Virginia. Our steadfast reputation for unsurpassed design and detail continues to define the organization and will for the next 60 years.

As the developer, builder, and manager of our properties, Dittmar Company is unique in the region for our total project involvement. With 21 apartment communities in Northern Virginia, our record of providing a superior product and real value is proven and consistent.

Our leasing hub, the state-of-the-art Leasing Solutions Center, is a must visit for anyone moving to Arlington. Interactive technology places each available apartment at your fingertips and provides a conduit to tour all 21 properties from one location. After the search has been narrowed, our experienced leasing agents are available at each property, offering the personal touch that Dittmar Company is known for. While looking for a new residence in Arlington, know that Dittmar Company and are your partners in the search for the perfect location at the highest value. Our mission is to accompany our residents through their time in our communities, providing an unmatched product with a focus on service. Please contact us to be a part of this journey and allow our expertise in the industry to guide you to your new home...